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Guide to Windows Kernel Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities

/ 1 min read

🧩 Exploring Windows Kernel Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities. The article provides a detailed guide on exploiting Use-After-Free (UaF) vulnerabilities in Windows 7 (x86) and Windows 10 (x64), emphasizing the importance of minimal mitigations for effective exploitation. It explains the concept of UaF, where an object is used after being freed, using a relatable analogy. The guide outlines specific functions related to memory allocation and deallocation, detailing how to manipulate these to achieve code execution. Key functions discussed include AllocateUaFObjectNonPagedPoolIoctlHandler, which allocates memory, and FreeUaFObjectNonPagedPoolIoctlHandler, which frees it without nullifying the pointer, creating a dangling reference. The article concludes with a successful proof of concept for exploiting these vulnerabilities, demonstrating the potential for hijacking execution flow.
