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Malicious Ads Distribute Lumma Stealer via Fake CAPTCHA

/ 1 min read

🦠 Malicious Ads Distribute Lumma Stealer Malware Through Fake CAPTCHA Pages. A new malvertising campaign, dubbed “DeceptionAds,” has been identified, distributing the Lumma Stealer info-stealing malware via fake CAPTCHA verification pages. Utilizing the Monetag ad network, the campaign generates over one million ad impressions daily across thousands of websites, tricking users into executing harmful PowerShell commands. Once users interact with the ads, they are redirected to a fake CAPTCHA page that silently copies a malicious command to their clipboard. This command downloads Lumma Stealer, which can extract sensitive information such as passwords and cryptocurrency wallets. Despite efforts from ad networks to disrupt the operation, researchers noted a resurgence of activity, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by infostealer campaigns.
