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New DNS Cache Poisoning Prevention System Introduced

/ 1 min read

🛡️✨ New DNS Cache Poisoning Prevention System (POPS) offers robust protection. The POPS (DNS cache POisoning Prevention System) is a novel module designed for Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) that effectively mitigates statistical DNS poisoning attacks. It features a detection module with three simple rules and a mitigation module that utilizes the TC flag in DNS headers, achieving zero false positives or negatives. Historical analysis shows POPS would have thwarted all documented network-based statistical poisoning attacks, maintaining a success rate of only 0.0076% for adversaries. Additionally, POPS operates more efficiently than existing tools, requiring only 20%-50% of the time and analyzing 5%-10% of the packets, while also detecting attacks that other systems like Suricata and Snort miss.
