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HTB Strutted Walkthrough Exploiting Apache Struts 2 CVE for Root Access

/ 1 min read

🔑 Successful Exploitation of Apache Struts 2 CVE Leads to Root Access on HackTheBox Machine. In a detailed walkthrough, the author demonstrates how to exploit a vulnerability in Apache Struts 2 (CVE-2024–53677) to gain initial access to a medium Linux machine on HackTheBox. The process involves reconnaissance, including Nmap scans and directory fuzzing, followed by a successful file upload exploit that circumvents file type restrictions. After obtaining user-level access, the author leverages misconfigured sudo permissions for tcpdump to escalate privileges and achieve root access. The write-up provides a step-by-step guide, including command examples and techniques for executing commands as root, culminating in a successful hack.
